
Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism

Refined bouquet of blue irises and white roses, for the birth or baptism of a child! (if irises are not available, they will be replaced by other blue-toned flowers) - Refined bouquet of blue irises and white roses

Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: IT-335
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of white roses for birth or baptism Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Blue Iris and White Rose Bouquet

  • Celebrate a child's birth or baptism with a refined bouquet of blue irises and white roses
  • Expertly arranged by Italian florists for an elegant look
  • If irises are unavailable, they'll be replaced with other blue-toned flowers
  • Available in Standard, Deluxe, and Premium sizes
  • Each bouquet is voluminous and meticulously packaged
  • Perfect for a beautiful and memorable gift
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