
Luxurious Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses

Celebrate a birthday in style with our luxurious bouquet of 50 pink roses. Expertly crafted by Italian Flora, each long-stemmed rose exudes elegance and charm, nestled among seasonal greens for a truly special gift that speaks from the heart.

Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: IT-324
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Turin flowers  -  Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses for Birthday Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Luxurious Bouquet of 50 Pink Roses

  • Celebrate with elegance: Luxurious bouquet of 50 pink roses
  • Crafted by Italian Flora for superior quality and charm
  • Long-stemmed roses offer a touch of sophistication
  • Arranged with seasonal greens for a fresh, vibrant look
  • Perfect for birthdays or special occasions
  • A beautiful, lasting gift that speaks from the heart
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